
Has Pope Francis denied possibility of same-sex marriage ?

In the Italian Senate they are discussing now about legislation of civil unions which will allow to same-sex couples the same legal rights as marriage. Public opinions are divided. Some prelates of Vatican expressed their opposition to the bill. 

In this polemical situation Pope Francis gave a speech for the inauguration of judicial year 2016 of the Rota Romana on the 22nd January, where he said this :

“Throughout the Synod on the family, begun by the grace of God two years ago, we were able to accomplish deep and sapiential discernment in a spirit and manner of true collegiality. It is out of this that the Church has indicated to the world that, among other things, there can be no confusion between the family desired by God and any other kind of union.”

Gay activists expressed their dissappointment over Pope’s statement, considering that “any other kind of union” not desired by God must include same-sex civil union and marriage. For example Francis De Bernardo of the New Ways Ministry said : “Pope Francis made strong statement opposing marriage equality”.

But if we read the whole text of Pope’s speech in question, we can remark that he didn’t talk in the first person, but only in words of the last episcopal synods and Blessed Paul VI.

And the Pope addressed his speech to judges of the Rota Romana who mostly rule on annulments of marriage in traditional sense, i.e. of heterosexual couples. The problem of same-sex union was not taken into consideration.

We know that Pope Francis has inclusive opinions about LGBT people and that he did give his blessing to a gay couple if not in a public situation. 

Nevertheless he must be obliged to be very discreet about those matters in order not to bring about irreparable divisions within the Church.

On the last celebration of the Immaculate Conception the Pope declared the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The new book of his interview with Andrea Tornielli is titled : “The Name of God is Mercy”. God’s love and mercy are constituting the very essence of Christianism.

For Pope Francis and for us the Church is founded not on written laws, but on God’s love. For the letter of laws condemn us to lapidation, but the Spirit of God’s love will give us eternal life.

Family desired by God is family of those who love God and each other. There is no other condition required. Indeed the Church is family of God and family is domestic church.

It is said that later this year, perhaps as early as March, Pope Francis will issue a new apostolic exhortation on the theme of family to respond to the discussions of the last two synods. We are looking forward to his words of inclusiveness for LGBT people and family of same-sex couple.

Always with hope in our Lord. Amen !



イタリアの上院では,今月28日から civil union の法制化が審議されています.同性カップルに婚姻と同等の法的権利を認める法案です.同性カップルの一方が非嫡出子を持っている場合,その子をカップルの他方の養子にすることも容認されることになります.

しかし,世論は賛否に分かれています.カトリック教会の高位聖職者のなかには反対を表明している人もいます.そして,そのような状況のなかで,フランチェスコ教皇は,1月22日,Rota Romana [教会法にかかわる Vatican の裁判機関のひとつで,婚姻無効の判断はそこで為される]の2016年司法年度の開始の機会に為された談話において,こう述べました:

« Nel percorso sinodale sul tema della famiglia, che il Signore ci ha concesso di realizzare nei due anni scorsi, abbiamo potuto compiere, in spirito e stile di effettiva collegialità, un approfondito discernimento sapienziale, grazie al quale la Chiesa ha – tra l’altro – indicato al mondo che non può esserci confusione tra la famiglia voluta da Dio e ogni altro tipo di unione. »
「過去二年間 [2014-2015] に主が我々に開催をお許しになった家族をテーマとするシノドスの過程で,我々は,有意義な合議制の精神と形式において,賢明な判断を深めることができた.それによって,教会は,就中,このことを世に示した:すなわち,神が欲したもう家族と,それ以外のあらゆる形の union との間には,混同はあり得ない.」

この « ogni altro tipo di unione » [それ以外のあらゆる形の union ]には同性カップルの civil union と婚姻とが当然含まれているはずだと思った pro-LGBT activist たちは,「教皇は,婚姻の平等への強い反対の意を表明した」と見なして,失望をあらわにしました.例えば : New Ways Ministry.


また,談話が直接向けられている相手は,婚姻無効を含む家族問題を扱う裁判機関 Rota Romana です.そこで問題となる家族は,既成の慣習のなかで考えられ得る家族,つまり男女の夫婦と子どもで構成される家族だけです.同性カップルのことは考慮外です.

フランチェスコ教皇が LGBT と同性愛カップルの問題に関して包容的な考えを持っていることは,彼の今までの言動から見て,明らかです.しかし,彼は同時に慎重です.LGBT と同性婚の問題がカトリック教会のなかに分裂を招くことを避けねばならないからです.




早ければ今年3月に,家族に関するシノドスにおける司教たちの答申に対するフランチェスコ教皇の回答が,Esortazione Apostolica として発表されます.そこで彼が LGBT と同性婚の問題に関して何とおっしゃるか,わたしたちは楽しみに待ちましょう.
